The NWO has Bought all of Your Governments

And their stupid pimp corporations...

And now they want conscription?

C'mon American brothers and sisters, I have faith in you - wake up! Wanna end your life early for some fake, bootlick war? Or stay at home and take out the ones that deserve to be...

Come on, just look at it...

Only sadists want and encourage war - there is no 'ENEMY' - except fear mongers.

Their infinitely slicked government/corporate bought propagandized media from Hollywood to CNN is trying to brainwash at every turn.

Too many fantastic looking people i know think they still need to 'diet' or 'slim down' - FUCK THAT SHIT.

Say it with me now - FUCK ALL THAT SHIT.

And fuck all y'all that try and hack my computer when i'm online - al CIA aeda.

Note how they say 'Al Qaeda' functions in cells that don't necessarily know what the 'other' cell is doing - that's the way THEY operate for chrisakes!

We are in the age dominated by double think and double speak - Homeland Security? - how about Homeland Insecurity. The Patriot Act? And on and on. But I'm just a canuck, what do I know...

The entire media system is set up to prey on your insecurities, to make you feel a lack, then nudge you into buying something to fill the void - FUCK IT.

Power to all the positive peace types, y'know like Gandhi and all the rest... Unfortunately the NWO has a nasty habit of knocking off the real dangerous ones - JFK, MLK, BK, HST, and JL and on and on...

This has been a nefarious transmission.
Just begun the bout.

To immediately quote CNN - "(to the bush administration) ...that is a raw abuse of power" Some regular pundit on LD...

And so what if all the media 'workers' are double agents working for us? That'd be very funny and welcoming in the long run... ha.

I heard today that those that live by the sword die by the sword.

Thank God the pen is mightier than the sword.