This treaty requires industrialized countries to meet BINDING reductions that equal 23% reductions below 1990 levels by 2015, with a 40% reduction below 1990 levels by 2020!
You exhale 5 lbs. of CO2 a day! Approximately 1 ton a year! Your average per capita 'carbon footprint' in Canada in 1990 was 16.1 lbs!
What does this mean?
Drastic carbon rationing, one child policies and an ultimate reduction in YOUR LIVING STANDARDS by 50% - China is the model.
This is global communism. Do you think Swiss bankers and your politicians will have to cut back? Not on your life! They will become the ruling soviet. What do you think about that?
"To avoid dangerous climate change and build climate resilience, the way society is structured will need to change fundamentally - from investment patterns to development programs. This cannot be accomplished by a fragmented set of existing institutions. In order to enhance the implementation of the Convention in accordance with the Bali Action Plan and its four building blocks, a new institution, the Copenhagen Climate Facility ( CCF ), is needed. This institution should ensure the comprehensive, effective
and inclusive delivery of industrialized countries' obligations ( QERC's and MRV Support )."
ie. global government, or a new world order