Problem, Crisis, Solution

This is how the people who want to control us operate.

Create a problem:

The massacre wednesday at Virginia Tech - 2 hours between shootings? From 2 to 33? That's like 3 out of 4 planes hitting their targets over the course of 2 hours without an F-16 being scrambled...

Restless leg syndrome, and on and on and on.

I wonder if there is going to be another major push for gun control? When bearing arms is an inalienable right. If they take your right to lethal defense - it is easier for you to get cut down like in VT.

But don't worry, big bratha will take care of youz...


Start an obscenely expensive war based 100% on lies, that simultaneously destroys America, tries to keep everyone scared and erodes fundamental freedoms.

...wif canadah's govornmentos roits behindos...


Pay $19.95 for a drug to cure your RLS.

Not to mention the 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS(!!!) publicly anaccounted for at the pentagon...

Talk about a face wash...

Perhaps a better educated public would not tolerate such things.

It's too bad that the NWO owns and runs all the media and other key sources of info, influence and education; dominating the message to make sure they can keep us dumbed down and scared enough to buy it all...

Oh, if i only had the isn't everything

Me Mum would say I'm delusional! Of COURSE money is everything!

Just hope that the next election goes ahead as mandated. Last I saw, there were not one, but two! Huge, gold, fucking fascist symbols in the US Congress.

Really, don't take my word for it, check it out...

Easy legislation passed since '9/11' to implement Martial Law at the drop of a hat, should there be another 'terrorist attack'.

Apparently that would probably be a good enough 'legal' reason to suspend elections. Hiding behind the law, ag-g-gain.

"off the charts..."

They're the ones that run the media - keeping us detailedly informed on the bad news -stupid bloody idiot box, oh so very captivating.

Cyndi Lauper sang money changes everything, perhaps we can take this thing back even without having all the money...

Oh, and speaking of monaaay...
The canadian government TAKES A LOT of my hard earned money from me (and you!):

If you spend over 50% of your disposal income after PIT:

13% sales tax
37% personal income tax (PIT)
= 50% in total to the governmentos

If the government takes even close to half the money you make in a 'free capitalist economy' i'd say that's called getting pretty screwed / makes you a slave of the governent.

__% gas tax
__% personal capital gain sand on and on...

Is this what we want?

is that the bestest common consciousness we can muster?

Oh, and of course the overblown man made 'global warming' problem giving them an excuse carte blanche for 'global taxation' - a perfect crisis - no such fucking thing - do not believe the hype!

Spend less, help change the way you are governed for the better - and be freer!


How much MONAY has the White House spent on purchasing 'independent' public news?

PS - The NWO also likes dynasties - y'know, keep it in the family, secret society or by blood - Bush, Bush, Clinton and, my money is on wait - Clinton! Yay! First female President... Bush and Kerry skull and bones running against each other? Kerry was a shill, and now, so are all the rest...

Obama is around to make the minority vote 'feel good' - but it is still a sick joke, the whole 'obama' 'osama' thing. Is that really for real? If it wasn't orchestrated, you would never think it was something that happened 'naturally'.